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Press Release 3

Introducing the Abelian Group

August 6, 2024
Matti Thurston & Fred Addy

At the Abelian Group of Silicon Valley, all stories center around a word: math. Why, you may ask? Maybe it’s because we see the power of modern algorithms. Maybe it’s because we see how math undergirds every innovation. Or maybe, quite simply, it is because we’re a bunch of nerds.

In math, an abelian group is defined to be “a group for which the elements commute (i.e., A x B = B x A, for all elements A and B). Abelian groups therefore correspond to groups with symmetric multiplication tables” [Wolfram Math]. Simply put, an abelian group does not care if you start with A or start with B; either way, you will get to the same end result.

In our case, the Abelian Group is defined to be a group of experts in artificial intelligence and advanced hardware who know how to get the most of multiplying the two fields together. It does not matter whether we are helping hardware companies get smarter on AI or AI companies get smarter on hardware. We serve as the commuting group that brings the AI and physical worlds together to drive insights, value, and innovation.

The Abelian Group cuts through the deafening noise around AI and unlocks its promised value for revolutionizing physical products. Our experts’ deep understanding of both hardware and the ever-evolving AI landscape allows us to identify (or build) tools that offer immediate ROI. Further, with our years of experience in startup development, corporate strategy, and venture fundraising, we craft strategy, conduct market research, and build roadmaps that enable companies of all sizes to transition into a new era.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about us. Now feel free to reach out, and let us know what keeps you up at night. It’s time to get to work.


We are the Abelian Group and we stress-test the future

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